Where do I start in getting a budget?

>> Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Having a budget or "financial lifestyle change" can be challenging. I have had one done many times yet it continually is being re-evaluated and updated every few months depending on what is happening in my life.

This week I am going to give you a "homework" assignment so next week on Monday we can set up a budget system. I am going to be doing this along with you as well.

It might be a good idea to get a notebook for your finances and worksheets that we will be going over and so forth.

On a sheet of paper, I want you to write down everything you physically pay for: clothes, dentist, doctors appts, prescriptions, gas, eating out, snacks, movies, cell phone, cable, health insurance, life insurance, IRA, etc.

Include items that are quarterly, or yearly like insurance policies for rental insurance, car insurance etc.

Make sure you put the dollar amount of what they cost if you know them. If you don't know what your bill cost find out.

How are you paid? Weekly, biweekly or monthly? Direct deposit or by check/cash?

Breakdown of the assignment for next week:
1. write down all the things you pay for
2. write down the amount of money you pay out for each of these
3. write down the due date of these items
4. what is your after tax paycheck (weekly, biweekly, monthly) and your amount paid
5. how is your paycheck paid?

if you have any questions before Monday, don't hesitate to
email me at thefinancialnanny at gmail dot com


Anonymous May 24, 2009 at 11:16 PM  

so bad at budgets This site will be eye opening for me :)

The Financial Nanny May 25, 2009 at 6:15 PM  

making a budget/spending can be as easy as you choose for it to be. It doesn't have to be complicated. Glad you will be following along!


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