Financial Friday: Do You Trick Yourself Into Saving Money?

>> Friday, April 2, 2010

 Do You Trick Yourself Into Saving Money?

This past week I was I looking for some papers and found a bank envelope with $100 in it.  This was exciting as I was going to be meeting a friend for dinner later that night.  I got to thinking, what other money do I have hiding from myself.  This money was great as it was a "additional" amount of money for my allowance. This means that I have another $100 to pay towards my bills this month.  Anything to pay ahead is great.

I ran across this post on The Frugal Duchess: 6 Ways I Scam Myself Into Saving. I was amazed by some of The Frugal Duchess's ways of scamming herself into saving.  I do some of things she says. I have my main bank at a credit union in my homestate. I have a local bank for cashing checks and so forth.  I pay myself first for my savings account and my allowance every other week when I get my paycheck. 

What are some ways that you trick yourself into saving money to pay off debt and for future adventures.



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